.de is the ccTLD (country code top level domain) for Germany which is the leading economy in EU (European Union). All you need is German residence or business id to register a .de domain name. Does not matter if you are running one of the millions micro businesses in Germany or own an enterprise your online presence cannot complete with a .de domain name in the localization era. Get your .de domain names on lowest price with SilkHost.pk
Price Type | Price |
Registration | $6.99 |
Renewal | $7.99 |
Sillkhost.pk register .de domain from 1 to maximum 10 years.
Silkhost.pk register .de domain in 1 hour as order .de domain order received.
General public domains that can be registered by any one i.e. Pakistani or non Pakistani and non general what are reserved for educational institutes and government organizations and bodies.
Yes, Silkhost.pk provides hosting services packages for that you can contact at our sales teams email address is sales@silkhost.pk
It's between 2 and 63 characters and its contains (A-Z)and (0-9) combination of these. You cannot have hyphens at the beginning or at the end of a domain name, you cannot have 2 consecutive ones (e.g. aa--bb.ae)
Yes, domain transfer is possible of .de domains which means change in ownership is possible.
To transfer your .de domain, you simply need an auth-code